35mm · Film photography · Photography

Denby Maiden

Many traction engines are painted in matt-black but others, such as the one shown here – the Denby Maiden – are painted in bold colours – in this case a green body and vivid, banana-yellow wheels. Had the sun been out I’d have likely made some photos on colour film, but it wasn’t, so I didn’t.

I’ve seen many lovely colour photographs made on dull, overcast days, but my success rate in such conditions is not stellar and, as a result, I tend to stick to bright, sunny days for my colour film use.

Our cat is home now and we’re very glad to have him back. He’s not too happy about being confined to the house for the next few days though, and I’m not particulalrly excited about having to clean out his litter tray either (especially the fragrant “incident” he produced this morning :D), but those are the responsibilities of having animals in the family. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

See these vivid scenes
Reduced to monochrome sights
On dull British days

Denby Maiden

Nikon F80, Nikkor 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6D & Ilford HP5+. Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 9mins @ 20°.

Taken on 14 August 2021

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