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Not the best news

Today has been somewhat disconcerting. While I’ve not, as yet, looked at the news at all today to see what’s been happening, I was nonetheless personally reminded of the current pandemic situation when I found out that my wife will be seconded onto a ward containing COVID-19 positive patients from next week. While the secondment is not unexpected, the thought of her coming into close contact with people infected with the virus is not a pleasant one.

I know that, for most people, the symptoms are mild (and even undetected in some cases), and that the percentage of people developing severe symptoms is pretty low, but that doesn’t make me any less concerned knowing how seriously it can affect others.

There isn’t a great deal that can be done to avoid the situation though, beyond taking the greatest care that we can, so it’s important to make sure I don’t worry about this unduly. Worrying about things I can do nothing about isn’t good for anyone. No-one in our family has contracted the virus (thatwe know of) and certainly no-one has become sick, so I shall continue to hope that this will remain the case.

Another photo of the Humber Estuary and bridge from back in 2017 today. Again, this is a photo that’s been sat on my hard-drive unpublished since I took it.

Out into the estuary

Yashica Mat 124 G & Ilford FP4+

Taken on 30 August 2017.

12 thoughts on “Not the best news

  1. It is hard to consider a loved one possibly getting sick. One relative came down with an allergy attack – she’s a nurse – and was sent home for 2 weeks as no tests were available. At that time, the hospital had a big meeting telling all personnel that if they wore masks they would be fired – this as all the mucky mucks walked around in them. Well, she is back at work this week, and so far, so good – and the mandate in her county is EVERYONE must wear a mask, in hospital, and on the street. We all hope that all goes well for her.

    Some people have set up isolation chambers to go through before entering the house. They enter via the garage and bag clothes and shoes and so on, and then wash everything, shower, and so on. It may seem excessive, but concerns are real, especially if there is an increased exposure. So, I hope you and your wife stay well, and that things improve for all of us.

    Now, on to your photo! This is a really cool, contrasty shot – bridge, lines, mood. I enjoy your work and find it inspiring and intriguing at the same time.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks -N-.

      It’s very worrying, but something we will just have to deal with until the situation improves.

      Thank you for your comments on my photo. I’m not sure why I didn’t publish it back at the time, but it’s nice when you go through your archive and find a previously overlooked image that you really like.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. These are testing times for you both.
    While we are caught in the middle of all this, personal stories are important and I hope when people read yours that it will reinforce their will to follow government guidelines to keep themselves and those around them safe.
    Take good care
    Very best wishes
    Mr C

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really empathize about the secondment, my little sis works in a large hospital setting and every day she gets different exposures to COVID-19, we do the worrying for her. Your outlook on the situation is remarkably centered, admirable and advisable if certainly far easier said-than-done for some of us worry-warts. You seem more level-headed than me and that’s really what’s needed for being supportive of family and friends doing work along the front-lines.

    And by the way, another nice image. How long do you think that span is? What a graceful bridge, truly a good vantage to capture some nice engineering, your exposure has done it justice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jason. Having suffered anxiety about stuff in the past, one of the best lessons I learned was to not waste energy worrying about things I can’t do anything about. It can be very easy to catastrophise about things, imagining the very worst outcomes, even when, realistically, they are unlikely to happen. It just serves to make you feel even worse without doing anything to make the worrying thing go away.

      Obviously this doesn’t mean that I’m blase about such things, or even that I can automatically switch off the worry, but even reducing it is beneficial, I find.

      Thanks for your comments about the photo BTW. The Humber Bridge is 2,220 metres long. At the time of construction it was the longest single-span suspension bridge in the world (although it isn’t any more – it’s now the 11th longest according to Wikipedia).


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